Dear Kanye:
A few people have alerted me to this track from your new album, 808s and Heartbreak. It's a fairly wordy song with a lot of lyrics to scroll through, so I'll just post the relevant part:
You spoiled little LA girl
You´re just an LA girl
You spoiled little LA girl
You´re just an LA girl
You spoiled little LA girl
You´re just an LA girl (you need to stop it now)
You spoiled little LA girl
You´re just an LA girl (you need to stop it now)
Thanks, Kanye. I have no idea if your ex-fiancee was particularly spoiled or not, although I never saw her storming fashion awards shows bawling that she was an award's rightful winner. But regardless, our city is a diverse, beautiful city, and shouldn't be treated as an adjective connoting spoiled behavior. Since you live here, you should know that's just a done-before stereotype. Again, let's see if this works when you substitute another city:
You're just a Portland girl
You spoiled little Portland girl
Meh. See what I mean? It's a tired cliche, and you don't seem to be about tired cliches, so stop it. Plus I'm guessing your lady didn't live this lifestyle before she met you, so perhaps this:
You're just a Chicago boy
You spoiled little Chicago boy
...might be more appropriate. Oh, and also?
That was done before too. Kthxbai.
Nobody Walks in LA